About Us
We warmly welcome all users of Subayogam website
Tamilians living all over the world can benefit from the marriage information exchange service of Subayogam website started by us. It is very important that the basic matrimonial information you provide to the website is clear and honest. The users of this website are responsible for the information they provide and the information obtained from it.
After completing your registration on the Subayogam website, the search will contain the following details.
1. Registration Number:
2. Male or Female:
3. Age Limit:
4. Place of birth of the pilgrim:
5. Present Residence:
6. Whether Yataka:
7. Mars position and Nagatosam position are there for those who want to see compatibility by Yataka.
8. Yataka Rasi:
9. Educational Qualification:
10. Yataka compatibility should be seen: yes or no
If you are satisfied with the search, if you let us know, we will provide you with the details of the specific registration number and the details of the services of our Supayogam website.
Thank you and goodbye.